Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Detecting Cancer Has Gone To The Dogs

It's time for your annual cancer screening.
The receptionist in your Dr's office tells
you to go to room 2 where you will be seen by Dr Speedy and Rex.   Rex is the diagnostician and Dr. Speedy is his assistant!
Ok, that scenario might not be happening any time soon, but dogs are making a remarkable contribution in the detection of cancer, just by using their nose.

Here are 5 reasons why dogs are so good at sniffing out cancer:

1.  A dog's brain is set up to take in and identify scents.  About 
     1/3 of a dog's brain is donated to the olfactory sense of smell.

2.  Dogs have between 125 million and 300 million scent 
     receptors.  Humans have about 5 million.  They are highly
     influenced by the scents in their lives.

3.  Malignant tissue releases different chemicals that dogs can

4.  A dog's nose is so sensitive that it can pick up the scent of some
     cancers even in early stages.

5.  Cancer detection dogs like their job.  The dogs chosen to do this      work have a unique ability and they enjoy using it. 

You can go to to meet some of these amazing
Maureen Imperial / Reiki Master

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